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Reviews Of Dominion

Recently (2011) Dominion Magazine did two pieces on us Dark Clouds Over Dublin: A club showcase special and Dominion, Dublin. Twelfth Anniversary Celebration our event page here

We ranked in the 13 coolest goth clubs in the world!

A review submitted to us in 2010 by a german regular

found this review of dominion (in Italian) (google translate badly because of the bad colours the site uses the translation can only be seen if you highlight the text) by our own later regular and good friend Lulu Noire aka Fata Nera aka Luana written sometime in 2007

found this review of dublin life and some of dominion (in german) (google translate badly) by Se.Ro aka Sebastian Robitzsch likely written around 2006

Our listing on the goth international club listing includes a review. Please note that we have changed venue{thrice}, admission prices etc., and this is now out of date. We're trying to get them to update it with our new info!

this review comes from 2002 on the times are wrong (we never opened at 10?) but otherwise its much as we were at the time

In the Spring 2001 edition of the fabulous and late-lamented goth mag Meltdown the Irish Goth scene in general and Dominion in particular was given a 2 page spread. It's not entirely accurate, but it does give a fairly good overview of the scene (and us!) at the time. Click the pages below to link to a bigger version.

Meltdown First PageMeltdown Second Page